We do Things and Stuff!

NEWS Projects
{% for i in range(1, SocialMediaCount +1) %} {% endfor %} {% for i in range(1, MusiclinkCount +1) %} {% endfor %}


    {% for i in range(0, newsCount) %} {% if i == 0 %}
  1. {% else %}
  2. {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for i in range(1, newsCount + 1) %} {% if i == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{{ modalDescriptions["news" + i].key }}

{{ modalDescriptions["news" + i].tip }}
{% if modalDescriptions["news" + i].img != "" %} {% endif %} READ MORE

{% endfor %}


Projects Here we show some of the Projects we did and where you can find them. Our programming is primarily on our Github but we might implement some Demos into an Interactive part of this Website. We have a lot of plans, but it will probably take some time since we're pretty busy at the time. But we'll try our best to keep this up to date.



The Thing most people know us for is probably the music we produce. And this is a big Part of PATRISPREDICTUM, but there is actually a lot more we do here. For Example, this Website, Some Video projects and we also have a Github, where we post some fun Projects we make. So feel free to look around, there is a lot to see, and more to come! If your only interested in the music though you can still find everything on the Next Page.


The genius minds of Patris Predictum once again surpassed themselves with their newest program/ interactive game called "Imtermiall" with a unique soundtrack and never seen graphics and animations. Imtermiall is a multiple choice quiz with a built-in space shooter. Play it alone or with friends, but you probably don't have any, so play it alone and strengthen your german and basic knowledge skills with the best browser game of the year "Imtermiall"

Click here to play!


    {% for i in range(0, albumCount) %} {% if i == 0 %}
  1. {% else %}
  2. {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for i in range(1, albumCount + 1) %} {% if i == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{{ modalDescriptions["albums" + i].key }}

{{ modalDescriptions["albums" + i].tip }}
{% if modalDescriptions["albums" + i].img != "" %} {% endif %} READ MORE

{% endfor %}

You can Listen to our music on {% for i in range(1, MusiclinkCount +1) %} {{ modalDescriptions['Music' + i].key }} {% if MusiclinkCount != i %} , {% endif %} {% endfor %} and maybe on others sometime :)

About Us

Patris Predictum is a group of boys creating lit music, epic visuells and cinematic masterpieces. We just do what we want, if we want to do an earrape song, we do one and if we want to do a fucking masterpiece we make on. So there is a big variety of stuff to watch and to hear.



Basically 4 dudes doing stuff on the internet, like the headline said.


To be continued